What is a major offshore center?

What is a major offshore center?
Is a major offshore center of Panama - an independent country in Central America, which enjoys great popularity among the shipowners.
Panama - one of the world's largest national flag merchants, providing favorable conditions for the registration of ships. The number of registered vessels (over 13 thousand), the country still ranks first in the world. In the register of ships of Panama may be entered court with a length of 20 m or more, and displacement - at least 50 tons in line with international practice are minimum requirements for the size and tonnage of ships. 

The greatest attraction of the Panamanian ship register cause by two factors: 

- The possibility of dual registration; 

- The lack of taxes on income and property, with the exception of registration and annual standard taxes and fees at the lowest rates. 

Good infrastructure, high levels of banking regulation, the lack of income tax makes this quite an attractive jurisdiction for offshore companies. Every year, there are recorded 8-10 thousand companies.  

Accumulated in Panama Foreign bank deposits in size significantly outperform the main macroeconomic indicators of the host country and significantly superior to conventional needs of the national economy in banking service.  

The number of registered offshore companies a year, their growth in recent years, and the total number of companies in the state register of Panama at the beginning of this century was the third among the world's offshore jurisdictions.

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