What rules of activity of the offshore abroad?

What rules of activity of the offshore abroad?
Foreign person can carry out their activities in commercial country West
directly through or local agents intermediaries, through an office, this opens a country and through controlled local company. Order of magnitude of creation and to the functioning of these companies, and the general order of magnitude of the commercial defines activities in each of its Inner country legislation.

Legal forms of business in the West may be the most VARIOUS. Are widespread distribution individual company, owned individual owners. DURING all of an enterprise such diverse as the owner always individual in is unlimited assigned responsibility - all state and personal property - for all debts and obligations of an enterprise. The most famous here is the complete FORMS partnership, all members whom bear unlimited and liable for all activities occurring in inferences debts and obligations. There are also company had limited liability. The main difference from considered FORMS is that members, shareholders, stock company responsible for its obligations only within a share or shares in the capital of ALROSA. There are two main types of companies had limited liability companies: private and public.

    - In private - The reduced number of shareholders, set sizes of minimum capital requirements. The law may be bounded by and period their existence.

    - Public - may have unlimited number shareholders, submitted their capital in the form of shares in the bearer established, which can freely sell of the broad public. They can also place bond issues, have substantially different from private companies.

For public companies, the law establishes the increased precautions to reporting. At the end of each year, they are required to make the total balance profits statement and report on the activities of the past year. These documents are subject to mandatory checked also from the side of independent auditors after they checked also our model at the annual meeting of shareholders and published in the press. Overall performance of the companies over the control's carries board or supervisory board, elected by the shareholders' meeting. Board (Supervisory Board), in its ocheped appoints president and governors company. By Prevalence FORMS commercial enterprises are trust. This property FORMS governed by the rules mandatory RIGHTS. Trust suggests the agreement that the person seeking establish
trust appoints other face trustee owner Transmitted in trust property (funds cash, shares, bonds, production assets, etc.) with the duty transmission brought in their income given to them by the third party.

For companies wishing have Inner MAGAZINE WORD other countries, notably all the Problems arise in what FORMS organize more there, either by subdivisions have been discovered, which is part of the most directly company (FORMS branches, agencies, representation etc.) or by the formation of a local company, fully owned parent or controlled last through equity, management agreements, technological dependence, etc. Second type is a more preferences way. However, sometimes more profitable FORMS is precisely department. On the Choice of the best trends are influenced difference in the commercial, currency, customs regulations and the other regulation these activities postseismic country. ROLE crucial, as a rule, tax particularly concerned.

In terms of assets and view LOCALIZATION companies been discovered for all abroad country can be divided into two distinct groups:

Country with common-mode for reduced investment foreign

Country with preferential regimes of individual FORMS and activities among the first highlights country where taxes and currency control's either absent or reduced to a minimum. The second group to include all other little country, as each of them DURING careful study can be found favorable regimes of one or another activity.

Domestic entrepreneurs should also take into account the factors of such as convenience and maintain operational control firms character relations with Ukraine, establishing contacts with personal businessmen countries etc. According to listed factors for distinct groups can be distinguished country, satisfying whatever precautions entrepreneur investor. Among them
country, different particularly favorable monetary and fiscal regimes of giving the opportunity to enter the Web domains other country; country in eccentricity companies with special status, exempting them from taxes, or there are special regimes of or separate areas, favorable for a determination of types of companies . Such a division is rather arbitrary, since Many countries may well be attributed to a number of groups at once.

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