Offshore zone in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean

Offshore zone  in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean
Great fame in Latin America and the Caribbean give acting nor their territory and offshore financial centers that specialize in providing financial, banking, commercial and other services.

What is a major offshore center?

What is a major offshore center?
Is a major offshore center of Panama - an independent country in Central America, which enjoys great popularity among the shipowners.

Offshore tax-free zone - Bahamas

Offshore tax-free zone - Bahamas
Bahamas - a traditional and well-known tax-free offshore zone related to "tax havens". This jurisdiction excludes from taxation income tax registered companies and has a favorable currency-financial legislation.

The development of the offshore zones in the British Virgin Islands

The development of the offshore zone in the British Virgin Islands
In the second half of the 1990s. - The beginning of the century, most of today's rapidly developing offshore area in the British Virgin Islands

Registration scheme of offshore companies

Registration scheme of offshore companies
Offshore business now includes numerous technologies and schemes that involve not only the large enterprises of various spheres of activity, and other business entities.

The scheme providing offshore services

The scheme providing offshore services
Thanks to proper use in a variety of economic activities offshore schemes, many companies are successful business in the international market.

Agency offshore schemes (construction, manufacturing, transport)

Agency offshore schemes (construction, manufacturing, transport)
Through the use of agency offshore schemes, companies receive significant benefits in the form of legally reduce the tax burden.

What types of offshore schemes?

What types of offshore schemes?
An offshore company is to its owner effective and profitable tool for international business. Trading operations carried out with the participation of an offshore company,

How to control the offshore companies and schemes?

How to control the offshore companies and schemes?
In order to restrict the use of offshore schemes in the informal business established by various international organizations.
Their main task is to maintain compliance with the law in the offshore jurisdiction and supervision of the offshore companies.

What characteristics have offshore companies?

What characteristics have offshore companies?

Offshore companies have five characteristics common to all:


An offshore company is not a resident of the country in which registered.

Which credit scheme in offshore companies?

Which credit scheme in offshore companies?
The use of offshore systems in reducing the tax burden has become increasingly popular in modern business.

The main task of financial institutions is a transfer of financial flows in the form of loans and paid interest on contractual agreements.